BioRoot™ Flow
Your Bioactive Root Canal Sealer

Ready-to-use hydraulic sealer in a syringe
No shrinkage – bioactive – biocompatible – high pH
Whatever your technique, cold or warm

BioRoot™ Flow: The NEW bioactive root canal sealer in syringe, making obturations easy and successful in cold or warm obturation techniques.

91% clinical success after 2 years (1)
Exceeds clinical success rates found in the literature (2) (3)

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Product Benefits

BioRoot™ Flow makes obturation easy.

Ready-to-use syringe provides easy extrusion directly into canals and you maintain your preferred obturation technique.

BioRoot™ Flow makes obturation easy.

Highly-pure calcium silicate mineral formulation (resin-free) means no shrinkage, limited bacterial growth, and increased biocompatibility and bioactivity which reduce the risk of adverse reactions. With 91% clinical success after 2 years, BioRoot™ Flow exceeds success rates found in the literature.

BioRoot™ Flow makes obturation easy for everyone.

Designed for cold and warm techniques with excellent flow into accessory canals, tight adhesion to dentin and gutta-percha, and reproducible results in all root canal treatments from simple to complex.

How to use BioRoot™ Flow?
Discover how in this step-by-step video.

Discover our case studies and testimonials

Explore our case studies and product testimonials to find out what dental professionals around the world have to say about BioRoot™ Flow and its benefits for their practice.


No postoperative pain

reported by day 7

91% clinical success

after 2-year efficacy study on 160 patients (1)

Exceeds clinical success rates

” found in the literature Primary endodontics 81-90% (2) Retreatment 77-89% (3)”


Find out more in our brochure

Read our brochure and learn everything you need to know about BioRoot™ Flow.

  1. (1) 24 months after treatment, the overall efficacy rate using loose criteria was 91.0% in the BrF group and 90.4% in the BrRCS group (p= 0.0003). Clinical study results ( currently under peer review.

  2. (2) Ng, Y.-L., Mann, V., Rahbaran, S., Lewsey, J., & Gulabivala, K. (2007). Outcome of primary root canal treatment: Systematic review of the literature – Part 1. Effects of study characteristics on probability of success. International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921–939.

  3. (3) Ng, Y.-L., Mann, V., & Gulabivala, K. (2008). Outcome of secondary root canal treatment: A systematic review of the literature. International Endodontic Journal, 41(12), 1026–1046.


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