No postoperative pain
reported by day 7
BioRoot™ Flow
Your Bioactive Root Canal Sealer
Ready-to-use hydraulic sealer in a syringe
No shrinkage – bioactive – biocompatible – high pH
Whatever your technique, cold or warm
91% clinical success after 2 years (1)
Exceeds clinical success rates found in the literature (2) (3)
Product Benefits
Explore our case studies and product testimonials to find out what dental professionals around the world have to say about BioRoot™ Flow and its benefits for their practice.
reported by day 7
after 2-year efficacy study on 160 patients (1)
” found in the literature Primary endodontics 81-90% (2) Retreatment 77-89% (3)”
Read our brochure and learn everything you need to know about BioRoot™ Flow.
(1) 24 months after treatment, the overall efficacy rate using loose criteria was 91.0% in the BrF group and 90.4% in the BrRCS group (p= 0.0003). Clinical study results ( currently under peer review.
(2) Ng, Y.-L., Mann, V., Rahbaran, S., Lewsey, J., & Gulabivala, K. (2007). Outcome of primary root canal treatment: Systematic review of the literature – Part 1. Effects of study characteristics on probability of success. International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921–939.
(3) Ng, Y.-L., Mann, V., & Gulabivala, K. (2008). Outcome of secondary root canal treatment: A systematic review of the literature. International Endodontic Journal, 41(12), 1026–1046.
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