Dentine restoration
We discuss the best-practice treatment protocols that can help you to secure positive outcomes for your TDI patients.
10 minute read
Want to improve your practice and save time? Discover the Biodentine XP protocol for managing deep caries with the Bio-Bulk Fill technique. Designed after consolidation of clinical experience from international experts, this protocol covers indirect & direct pulp capping and pulpotomy procedures.
Biodentine XP is both a pulp therapeutic and a restorative material, in a single product. It is a dentine substitute suited for restoring a deep cavity using the “Bio-Bulk Fill” procedure, from the pulp to the tooth surface thanks to its unique combination of both bioactivity & biocompatibility and physico-mechanical properties close to those of natural dentine. The final enamel restoration with composite must be made within 6 months.
Explore our guidelines and recommendations below.
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