Dentine restoration
We discuss the best-practice treatment protocols that can help you to secure positive outcomes for your TDI patients.
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Create a free account Already a member? Log inExplore the potential of BioRoot™ RCS as showcased through two compelling case studies by Dr. Herbst. In these cases, Dr. Herbst guides you through the obturation process of both an upper and a lower molar, each with straightforward anatomy.
With its exceptional biocompatibility and bioactivity, BioRoot™ RCS promotes tissue repair and minimizes post-operative pain, offering a superior experience for patients. Its unique tag-like structures enable efficient sealing, allowing for quicker procedures, making it an ideal choice for general practitioners seeking optimal outcomes.
Discover how BioRoot™ RCS can revolutionize root canal treatments, promising reduced treatment times and postoperative pain as well as optimal outcomes for patients and practitioners alike.
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